Unable to speak, Shino naturally turns to the vocabulary of gesture, form and color to communicate what she is physically unable to express. Her work attempts to synthesize an elemental visual language of pure feeling… addressing concerns of self-realization, the transmission of idea and emotion, and the nature of expression through abstraction.
“My daughter, Shino, cannot speak, cannot write, cannot read. With regard to her inner thoughts, I can only answer with my own words and my own thoughts. I have long been concerned about how much I can speak for her. I have always stopped myself from deciding for her. But as I grow older, I’ve decided to worry less about the details. If there is hesitation, I won’t do it. But once it’s begun, I want to see it through.”
“This is a path that I could not have travelled on my own. To everyone who has helped along the way I offer my sincerest gratitude. Because you were around, I could live.”
- Shino’s mother, Tomoko Miura
Circle in Motion I 20"x26" acrylic on paper
Dot series II 11"x14" mixed media on paper
Field of Color II/collage 20"x20" mixed media on paper
Field of Color I 20"x20" mixed media on paper
Blue Spiral 18"x24" acrylic on paper
Circle in Motion II 22"x26" acrylic on paper
Field of Color 16"x20" mixed media on paper
Shades of Color I 11"x14" mixed media on paper
Energy Field I 16"x20" mixed media on paper