January 28 - February 20, 2016

OPENING RECEPTION:  January 28, Thursday  6-8PM   


“…the job of the artist is not to discover the truth, but to fashion it.”

                                                                                                  - Barnett Newman

Gallery Juno is pleased to present a new series of paintings by artist Rebeca Mendoza, whose large-scale works reflect a dialogue between the internal, emotive driving forces of visual creation and the plasticity and physicality of paint and canvas.

The mixed-media paintings in Serie Rosa attempt, on one level at least, to forge an expressive truth... a concurrence of the metaphysical spirit of the artist - of emotion and intuition- and the formal language of art – of painterly drawing and shape-making - to be able to communicate and make concrete that which is intangible. 

These dynamic works are a coalescence of soft forms and vigorously applied paint on raw canvas. Through gestural abstraction and a vibrating patchwork of color and tonal nuances, the drama of Mendoza’s inner vision plays out.  Pale pink, for which the series takes its title, is the star here, casting a serene, warm shadow over the proceedings and immediately affecting one’s experience of the paintings.  Pulsing irregular shapes and bold linear strokes float in open spaces and merge together to form a poetic visual fantasy.  Loose, broken horizontal lines of a deeper, stronger tone - often black - bisect, dissect, and seemingly cleave these harmonious amalgams, these pleasant reveries, in two… like the dark trail of a smoking missile piercing the clouds as it streaks through the open sky. 

Mendoza’s painterly gestures and shape-making, combined with the perceptual effects of color, line and form… of gravity and levity, of the drama of light and shadow, all contribute to the tension of the pictorial space, the ambiguity of reference, and ultimately the synthesizing of individual experience to visual metaphor and concrete emotive sentiment.  If there is a truth, it is, with Serie Rosa, that Mendoza is an artist engaged in a work and process that translates this experience with great intensity and refinement.

Rebeca Mendoza was born in the Buenos Ares in Argentina.  She is a graduate of the Prilidiano Pueyrredón National School of Fine Art.  Mendoza has worked closely with celebrated Argentine artists such as sculptor Aurelio Macchi, and painter Alberto Delmonte.